Spring Herb Class | Sunday, May 20th

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Spring Herb Class | Sunday, May 20th




The birds are returning and singing and those little plants are pushing through the soil and coming back to life!!

Soon our lawns, fields and woods will be bursting with a plethora of fresh GREEN PLANT MEDICINE!!! Come join me for an afternoon to learn, gather, eat and make herbal potions from the incredible spring-plant medicine chest that exists right outside our doors!!

Spring is a great time for detoxing our bodies and souls – cleansing after a long winter. We will discuss our body’s detoxification systems, make plant medicines and learn what fresh Spring plants we can add into our diets to help our bodies and souls to cleanse, release unwanted toxins and get the body’s systems perked up and moving.  

As we too are part of this beautiful and mysterious natural world we also feel strong stirrings inside ourselves as spring emerges. Parts of our beings that have been quieter and held more inward during winter are now stirring and coming back alive. The Spring air can cause both inspiration and unease - and its important to nurture and support ourselves through the transition.

CLASS will be held on SUNDAY MAY 20th from 1-5:00.

Spring plant infused SNACKS &TEAS will be provided.

You will TAKE HOME- 2 plant remedies we make together, a Spring plant medicine handout and you will leave full of SPRING INSPIRATION, POTENTIAL & SUPPORT for your body and soul.

Class is $45.00. Class size is limited to 10.

If cost is an issue please contact me for some barter possibilities. I look forward to basking in the green medicine of the spring with you all!! Please call (802-439-6570), e-mail or sign up here to register.

Warmly Kimberly Hotelling